Friday, September 9, 2011

Ekujo meta!

Ekujo meta! It's been three days! Ekujo meta is a greeting that the Yoruba people say when a long time has gone by. I was having technical difficulties. Now I am back with some pictures to share. The weather has been very nice so far, very cool and breezy. My host family is wonderful and I feel that my Yoruba is improving each day. After a three day orientation we began classes yesturday. For the past three days we drove around campus and also visited the surrounding city. Class was very nice, a very good refresher of what I learned this summer in Florida. I can't wait to start real classes and begin going on excursions. Since I took many pictures I will end my post for today. Odabo!

The main library on campus

UI has a very beautiful campus

The University of Ibadan Teaching Hospital. The very first hospital in Nigeria. Ibadan is the trendsetter for all of Nigeria, with the first university, television ati bee bee lo.

Ibadan is a very hilly place. It is a city of hills surrounded by more hills.

YOU ARE WELCOME! ( a very common greeting I hear Nigerians say all the time)

Local Government building


Inside of the local government building. They hold many different types of receptions here.

View from the top. What a city!

View from the top of the local government building. You can see the mosque in the background

This is what I saw on the back of the door in the woman's restroom. His number was below lol

UI Cultural Center

Statue outside the cultural center

Statue outside the cultural center

Statue inside the cultural center

The classroom building

Folake, Me, Oyinloya ati Remi YLF participants 2011. The sun was in my eyes, that is why I look like that.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I have arrived!

Beep..beep.beeeeeep!!!! I have arrived in 9ja. As you can tell by the sound of the cars racing down the road. ( It's amazing how cars don't hit each other!) I arrived in Nigeria yesturday evening. This morning we drove two hours north of Lagos to Ibadan. I regret not putting my camera in my purse so that I can take pictures of what I have seen so far. But once I have settled in I will take pictures and this blog will become much more interesting. Right now I am waiting for my host family at the African Language Center. My host dad is a pastor, that is why it is taking long. The other students have been picked up already.  I see them! Odabo! This is going to be exciting.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Waiting for Nigeria

I am at the American Councils orientation. In half an hour I leave for the airport. I can almost feel the Nigerian heat. I'm excited for the flight, I love flying. I'm excited that my layover is in Accra, Ghana. The orienatation has actually made me a little scared about going to Nigeria, the possiblity of falling sick, the robberies, the snakes falling from trees ati bee bee lo. I am aware of all the precautions. I never knew this much on my previous trips to Nigeria. Well it should be fine. On my way to the airport! Odabo for now!